Thursday, May 15, 2008

Meeting with Dr. Davidson

We had a short meeting with Dr. D that went very well. He seemed very excited about our idea and he completely supported us. I am very confident that our school store idea will work. We have so much support and now Dr. D is backing us up. With his support our school store is as good as done. Dr. D gave us some advice, criticism and his views.
The advice that he gave us was very good. He told us to get a student rep. to introduce the bill. Their is a lot a lot of grant money that we could apply for and he told us to take a shot at it. Then he told us about the room and how we could clean it up and how to get money for shelves and things of that nature.
The criticism that he gave us was simple. Dr. D thinks that the school store could be used as many other things and to include that in the bill. Dr. D told us that we would need very trustworthy people to run the store and he didn't know if we had people like that.
His views on the school store are all positive. Dr. D thinks that the school store will help our school and bring in profit. He is happy to help us in any way he can.
The meeting has encouraged me to further pursue the school store. With all this support all we need to do is the writing. I am extremely excited to finish up this project.

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