Early today a barbecued corpse was found. Who could it be? Who was the chef of this grotesque murder? It is believes that the broiled Mary Dalton was murdered by the black Chef named Bigger Thomas. How could this man dare to kill a white woman? He has crossed the line and must be caught and punished to the full extent of the law. The young man is about 21 years of age, not to husky, tall and black. Anyone matching this description is to be turned into the police. We cannot let racist injustices like this continue. Our entire police force is looking for this killer. We also have many volunteers helping in the capture of the killer. We urge everyone to help capture this man. In the memory of Mary Dalton and as a way to repay the Dalton family for their loses.
Another Death In The Black Belt
There were four murders last night. Three involving young black women and another involving a young black man. Anyone who knows anything about the murders call the police.
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